Support women in sports – Naa Odofoley

Legal practitioner and CAF Match Commissioner, Naa Odofoley Nortey, has entreated men in sports to support their colleague women in leadership and not be afraid of them.

According to Ms. Nortey, most Ghanaian men often get intimidated by powerful women, which should not be encouraged, thus retarding growth and interest of women in sports.

Speaking at the third edition of the annual Africa Women’s Sports Summit, she said, men need to come together to support women, “Women are good at what we do, support us. Men should relax and allow women to work together with them to excel. Do not be afraid of powerful women.”

She added that they should refrain from stereotyping assertive women and desist from name-calling to motivate them, especially in sports.

Society’s paradigm of a typical woman in Africa is to take charge of the home along with the responsibility of making it, if not the best, at least one of the most respected in the community. Africa, as we know, is still a highly patriarchal society with most women pursuing peripheral roads and careers. Seeing women disregarded or underrated in these male-dominant careers is a scene witnessed frequently.

The Africa Women’s Sports Summit seeks to present a platform for mentorship, training, and greater female inclusion in the African sports scene.

Started in 2019 by Ghanaian sportscaster Juliet Bawuah, it is an enabler of initiatives that go a long way to helping African women in sports attain their personal, community, and career goals.

The special guest for the 2022 event was Her Excellency Hajia Samira Bawumia, Second Lady of the Republic of Ghana.

Speakers were Barbara Gonzalez, CEO, Simba Sports Club, Tanzania, Thato Moeng, SuperSport, South Africa; and Naa Odofoley Nortey, Private Legal Practitioner and CAF Match Commissioner.

The event was held at the Accra, International Conference Centre, in Ghana’s capital, Accra. Theme: “Be the Change.”

The Africa Women’s Sports Summit is a Sportted Ghana Limited event.


